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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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February's Monthly Meeting Minutes


FEBRUARY 2, 2023
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire
District was called to order by Chairman James Schaefer at 7:30 p.m. Present were
Commissioners Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Stephen Gregory, Ed Seltenreich and Robert
Despres, Fire District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Chief Paul Sulzinski, Treasurer
Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.
See attached report.
1, Printer was approved. (Note: The Secretary requested that the new printer be the same model
number or comparable using the same cartridges. Cartridges were recently purchased for the
printer at a cost of approximately $260.00 and cannot be returned.).
2. Quotes to be discussed under the Chief’s Report.
3. Noted.
Mr. Danowski was not requested to attend the meeting.
See attached report.
No requests.
1. New 7-6-17 - Mr. Danowski advised the Board that the electronic cooler ordered to be
installed in the new ambulance is no longer protocol. Specialty has it on order. Mr. Danowski
suggested cancelling the order and to have Specialty make a price adjustment to the vehicle.
2. Medical Billing - Noted.
3. New Paramedic - A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner
Seltenreich, approving the hiring of Joe Gordon as an On Call Paramedic with an hourly pay rate
of $29.00. Approved 5-0.
4. Open shift - Noted.
5. Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training - Noted.
Maintenance Report dated 1/1/2023 to 1/31/2023 submitted to the Board.
See attached report.
7-6-32 New Vehicle
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
authorizing the purchase of the items requested to update the vehicle . Approved 5-0.
1. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Despres,
authorizing the purchase of one (1) Milwaukee M18 Fuel Gen-2 18V Lithium-Ion Brushless
Cordless Mid Tourque Impact Wrench with Friction Ring Kit, from Home Depot, at a cost of
$429.00. Approved 5-0.
2.-6. A motion was made by Commissioner Seltenreich, seconded by Commissioner Despres,
authorizing the purchase of the 8 lengths of 2.5” Hose, male to female adapter 3” to 2.5”, female to
make adaptor for 2.5”, gated y 1.75” and straight bore nozzle 1.75”, at an approximate total cost of
$2,573.68. Approved 5-0.
7. Mr. Schaffauer will handle.
8. Mr. Schaffauer will update.
9. In inventory.
10. Tabled pending pricing.
11. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
authorizing the purchase of four (4) Sensit TKX Combustible Gas Detectors from Firematic
Supply Co., Inc., at a cost of $1,097.28. Approved 5-0.
1. Red Line Gear Washing - Tabled pending further information.
2. Narcan Rescue Bags - Tabled. Chief was requested to consult with Mr. Danowski.
1. Mr. Schaffauer will handle.
2. Mr. Schaffauer will handle.
3. Mr. Schaffauer will handle.
4. Replace Homelite Saw – Tabled for pricing.
Commissioner Schaefer requested a Training Policy from the Chief and a list of Class A
firefighters for the Bailout System. Chief Sulzinski advised the Board that the Chiefs have a
Training Schedule in place.
Commissioner Schaefer also requested a list of delinquent members. The Chiefs are working on
that also.
Mr. Glass not in attendance. The Secretary gave each of the Board members a copy of Mr. Glass’
“Bulletin” containing items of interest to the District.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting the
Minutes of the January 5, 2023 Organizational Meeting and the January 5, 2023 Regular Monthly
Meeting. Approved 5-0.
After a brief discussion regarding replacing the photocopy machine, a motion was made by
Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase of one (1)
Kyocera Copy Machine on the BOCES Contract, at a cost of $117.40 per month for 48 months
interest free. Approved 5-0.
After a brief discussion regarding the proposal from Jones & Little for accounting services, a
motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, accepting
the proposal from Jones & Little for the next five years of auditing as follows:
2023 - $8,500.00 2022 Audit
2024 - $8,500.00 2023 Audit
2025 - $9,075.00 2024 Audit
2026 - $9,350.00 2025 Audit
2027 - $9,650.00 2026 Audit
Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving
the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving
the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 19 checks totaling $127,577.35 and to
authorize the transfer of $150,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved
No correspondence received.
Commissioner Despres advised the Board that he has two proposals for the 2023 Landscaping
Maintenance and would like to table a decision until next month, since he is waiting for additional
After a brief discussion regarding the Draft Employee Handbook, a resolution was drawn up and
states as follows:
2023-17. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to
adopt the final version of the East Quogue Fire District Employee Handbook, effective February 2,
2023. The Handbook will be reviewed on an annual basis and revised as needed.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as
Chairman James Schaefer - Aye
Vice-Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye
Commissioner Stephen Gregory - Aye
Commissioner Ed Seltenreich - Aye
Commissioner Robert Despres - Aye
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.
Dated: February 2, 20223
East Quogue, New York
All paid employees will be required to confirm receipt of the Handbook by signing a form stating
the date, their name and e-mail or hard copy received, or receipt of both.
After a brief discussion regarding the proposal from G.F. Volz Jr. for the replacement of the roof at
Station 2, a motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Jackson,
accepting the proposal from G.F. Volz Jr.to remove the existing roof at Station 2 and replace it
with new materials, at a cost of $30,240.00, subject to Permissive Referendum. A resolution was
drawn up and states as follows:
2023-18. BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law and the
Town Law of the State of New York, that a sum not to exceed $40,000.00 be expended from the
Buildings & Grounds Reserve Fund of said Fire District for the purpose of removing the existing
roof at the substation (Station 2) located at 29 Head of Lots Road, East Quogue, New York and
replacing the roof with new materials, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is adopted subject to a permissive referendum
as provided in the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Fire District shall, within ten working
days of the adoption of this resolution, publish a notice within the official newspaper of the Fire
District setting forth the date of the adoption of the resolution and an abstract of the resolution
concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof and that the resolution was adopted subject to a
permissive referendum.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as
Chairman James Schaefer - Aye
Vice-Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye
Commissioner Stephen Gregory - Aye
Commissioner Ed Seltenreich - Aye
Commissioner Robert Despres - Aye
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.
Dated: February 2, 20223
East Quogue, New York
Mr. Schaffauer advised the Board that the 2022 Chevy SSV 4WD is almost (99%) ready for
Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he spoke with a representative from Commander
Fleet regarding the purchase of a 2022 Chevy Tahoe. The representative will stop by the firehouse
on Tuesday with a sample vehicle.
After a brief discussion regarding the purchase of an additional 2022 Chevy Tahoe, a resolution
was drawn up and states as follows:
2023-19. BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law and the
Town Law of the State of New York, that a sum not to exceed $100,000.00 be expended from the
Apparatus Reserve Fund of said Fire District for the purchase of one (1) 2022 Chevy Tahoe
Chief’s Vehicle, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is adopted subject to a permissive referendum
as provided in the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Fire District shall, within ten working
days of the adoption of this resolution, publish a notice within the official newspaper of the Fire
District setting forth the date of the adoption of the resolution and an abstract of the resolution
concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof and that the resolution was adopted subject to a
permissive referendum.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as
Chairman James Schaefer - Aye
Vice-Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye
Commissioner Stephen Gregory - Aye
Commissioner Ed Seltenreich - Aye
Commissioner Robert Despres - Aye
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.
Dated: February 2, 20223
East Quogue, New York
Commissioner Jackson stated that the guest list for the 2023 Awards Dinner most likely will be
more than 150 given the fact that the membership has increased. He also suggested that one or
two Chiefs and the Chairman of the Board from neighboring districts also be invited.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting
use of the new Accident Report Form which replaces the Unusual Occurrence Form now being
used to report vehicle accidents and injuries. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, granting
permission for the Suffok County EMS to use the Meeting Room on March 11, 2023 for an awards
ceremony. Approved 5-0.
With reference to the CPR Classes noted on the outdoor electronic sign, Commissioner Schaefer
stated that CPR classes should be given to the membership before the public. Chief Sulzinski
advised the Board that classes for the members are scheduled for March 23, 2023.
Chief Sulzinski also advised the Board that, according to OSHA guidelines, certain training classes
are required to be taken. He will contact an agency that can give guidance as to what is required.
Chief Sulzinski stated that Randy Kracke is reviewing the list of members qualified to drive the
brush truck and is trying to get County training.
A workshop was scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
At 9:55 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Gregory,
seconded by Commissioner Jackson, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.
Submitted by
Lorraine Gregory, Secretary

East Quogue Fire District’s House Attendant Report

To the Board of Fire Commissioners,

This is the attendant’s report for January 2023, meeting including but not limited to:  

  • General Maintenance and building care.
  • Updated the website For the District
  • Updated the sign
  • Disinfected the Meeting room, Chief’s office, and Corp room. Along with the Firemen’s room and bathrooms every Wednesday.
  • Paint and flooring finished in the Chiefs office.
  • Volz ordered the new door for the shed at Station 2 and will start work when it comes in.
  • Waiting on the new struts and air bags.
  • Firematic came for PM on the E tools.
  • Testing Unlimited repaired ladders and tested the 2 spare ground ladders to put on 7-6-8
  • The Chiefs jackets have come in Rico’s and have been sent to screen printing.
  • Quote for a replacement UPS for the radio system. It is about 6 or 7 years old.
  • Quote for 10 new pagers
  • Quote for the new radios for the new Tahoe.
  • Scanners came in
  • Life cycle report from Fluid Imagery on our computer systems
  • Called Nardy Pest Control about the mouse and ants. Their next scheduled visit is the 12th and they will address it.

Topics for discussion:

  • Scott Packs. NFPA guidelines. If we follow the NFPA we are only allowed to be up to 2 standards behind the current one. As of now most of our packs Air pack 50’s we have a few Air pack 75’s and the new standards are the X3’s. We are just at those 2 standards behind.
  • There may be an upgrade we can do to bring the packs up to date or it may be time to start to think about replacing the packs.
  • As of now this is all informational and I will get more information.
East Quogue Fire District
EMS Report
Submitted by Brian Danowski
February 2, 2023
Material Request:
 No material requests
New 7-6-17 Report:
Myself, Dave Schaffauer and Jeff Corazzini made the trip to Specialty Fleet Services on
Wednesday, February 1 st to see the new ambulance. The truck looks great and should be ready
to be put in service in 2-3 weeks. Specialty will do the installation of the radios, controlled
substance safe, Wi-Fi connection access point, fire extinguisher mount and the cardiac monitor
mount on one of the interior countertops. The lettering of the truck should have been started
today as well as the installation of the autoload for the stretcher. When they are ready for the
switchover of the ambulances, it was requested that we strip our current truck here at HQ and
bring it to them in Farmingdale so they can complete the job. We were told they would have
our outgoing ambulance for a total of 2 days. I contacted the NYSDOH to ask for an ETA on the
necessary certification sticker for the new truck and was told it would be mailed today. They
will also handle the transfer of the registration for us. Bob O’Neill from Specialty told us that
they were still waiting on a cooler that was included in the original design that he was going to
install as well. Just so everyone is on the same page, this cooler is not necessary to be on the
truck and it is my recommendation to have it returned and the cost associated with it refunded
to the District.
Medical Billing:
Tried to get an informational session with Quick Med Claims to compare the company to
Professional Ambulance Billing but I found out late yesterday that they are not interested at
this point due to a lower call volume in East Quogue. Shifting my focus to another company
that the Ridge Fire District is currently using called Proclaims. I reached out to John Boyd who is
their EMS Coordinator and he is content with the service they provide. I will update the District
when I have more information in regards to Proclaims.
I spoke with Chief Mark Dunleavy of Flanders Ambulance to inquire about their relationship
with Professional Ambulance Billing. Mark said they are happy with the service they provide
but they do have quite a bit of unpaid claims. He credits this to the large amount of uninsured
in their District. He did say, however, that Flanders is collecting over $220,000 a year from the
claims that have been collected. He did state that there was some blowback and some criticism
from the Flanders community during the initial stages of billing but have since been kept to a
Report Continued:
 Hired Paramedic Joe Gordon to work for the District. He will help fill the vacancies with
the departure of Paramedic Jeff Alt who took a job out of state as well as other
vacancies that we have.
 There is only one shift left to fill for the month of February which is Wednesday the 22 nd ,
6p-6a. I am confident it will not remain vacant.
 Mandatory sexual harassment and workplace violence trainings were made available to
the District treasurer, secretary, supervisor and houseman.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Danowski
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March 2, 2023 Monthly Meeting Minutes
January Meeting Minutes
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