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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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Special Meeting June 2021



JUNE 24, 2021



The Special Meeting was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:00 p.m. Present were Commissioners Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Stephen Gregory and newly nominated Commissioner, Ed Seltenreich, Fire District Facilities Supervisor David Schaffauer, Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.



Newly appointed Commissioner Ed Seltenreich was sworn in by Commissioner Allyn Jackson.

Commissioner Jackson presented the proposal from the City of Albany, New York, Fire Department for the purchase of 7-6-11, including the ground ladders, in the amount of $17,000.00.

A resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2021-23. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to accept the proposal from the City of Albany, New York, Fire Department for the purchase of the Tower Ladder 7-6-11, including the ground ladders, in the amount of $17,000.00.

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, accepting the adoption of Resolution 2021-23. Approved 3. Recused 1 - Commissioner Gregory.

The next order of business was the opening of the bid for the Electronic Sign. Commissioner Jackson presented the one bid that was received:

                        Visual Information Services               $31,846.00

2021-24. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to accept the bid from Visual Information Services for the purchase and installation of an LED Display Monument Sign, in the total amount of $31,846.00.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, accepting the adoption of Resolution 2021-24. Approved 4-0.

At 7:10 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, to adjourn the Special Meeting. Approved 4-0.

Submitted by:

Lorraine Gregory, Secretary

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Meeting Minutes June 2021
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