EQFD Public Notice

The East Quogue Fire District takes pride in notifying the public about news and agendas related to the the Fire District.

Read Public Notices


Happy Winter!

This months meeting of the board of Fire Commissioners will be held on March 6th at 7:00 PM in the district office at 465 Montauk Hwy. This is a public meeting hope to see you! 


District Employees

Name Position  
Lorraine Gregory District Secretary Part-Time Appointed
Colleen Pearsall District Treasurer Part Time  Appointed
David Schaffauer District Facilities Supervisor Full Time


Primary Emergency Medical Staff

Name Position  
Dr. Max Minneropp Medical Director  
Brian Danowski, EMT-P, Paramedic Supervisor Full Time Medical Staff  


The East Quogue Fire District is proud of our dedicated volunteer firefighters and EMS personal. To
supplement the volunteers during the day or night. The Fire District has implemented a full time paid medical
first responder program. This program also has a full time paid paramedic level emergency medical
technician and several on call paramedics on duty 7 days a week 24 hours a day. 

The East Quogue Fire District has just implemented a pilot EMT Basic program to assist our dedicated volunteers

and first responders during the day time Monday thru Friday between 6 am and 4pm




2025 Board of Fire Commissioners

One Commissioner is Elected Annually

Position Commissioner Term Expiration Date
Vise Chairman Allyn Jackson December 31st 2026
Chairman  James Schaefer December 31st 2025
Commissioner Stephen Gregory December 31st 2028
Commissioner Robert Despres December 31st 2027
Commissioner  Edmund Densieski December 31st 2029



The East Quogue Fire District is the publicly elected governing body commissioned with providing fire,
rescue and emergency medical service to the residents of East Quogue. The cost for this service is paid
for through the collection of tax dollars. The District is its own taxing agency and therefore has the
power to levy taxes (similar to a School District). The fire tax is the only means of funding for the Fire
District. Unlike other forms of local government, we do not receive State Aide, Federal Aide or income
from service fees/taxes, or billing for service. The Fire District provides the tools while the Volunteer Fire
Department provides the services.

The Fire District governing body is made up of five (5) Commissioners elected by the voters of East
Quogue. They serve a 5-year term, and one (1) is elected each year. The election is held the second
Tuesday in December. Any registered voter in the East Quogue Fire District may vote. The
Commissioners oversee administrative activities, including setting the fire tax, budget, apparatus and
equipment purchases, building maintenance and repair or replacement. etc. Commissioners are
assigned different positions: finance, insurance, personnel, equipment, and building and grounds. All
paid staff as well as the volunteer Fire Chief report directly to the fire Commissioners. Similar to the
Town and School Boards, the only pre-requisite to becoming a candidate for Commissioner is that the
candidate must live in the town of East Quogue and complete the petition requirements.

The Commissioners hold a monthly meeting on the first Thursday of each month, starting at 7:30 pm at
the District headquarters and are open to the public. The official newspaper of the East Quogue Fire
District is the Southampton Press. All legal notices are published in this paper.

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