By Dave on Thursday, 20 June 2024
Category: Public Notice

May 2024 Meeting Minutes



MAY 2, 2024

The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman James Schaefer at 7:30 p.m.  Present were Commissioners James Schaefer, Allyn Jackson, Stephen Gregory and Ed Seltenreich, Fire District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Medical Coordinator Brian Danowski, Chief Paul Sulzinski, Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.

The Secretary requested that the Minutes be dedicated in memory of Nancy Knotoff commemorating the five year anniversary of her passing.


See attached report.




Maintenance Report dated 4/1/24 – 5/2/24 submitted to the Board.



A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, authorizing the purchase of the medical supplies requested, at a total cost of $252.06 (Bound Tree Medical . $126.06, Hammer Medical - $126.00).  Approved 4-0.




See attached report.


1.  A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, authorizing the purchase of a solar light for the flag pole at Station 2, at an approximate cost of $200.00.  Approved 4-0.

2.  Tabled.

3.  A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, authorizing the purchase of an I-pad for a Headquarters engine and one for Station 2, at a total cost not to exceed $1,000.00.  Approved 4-0.

4.  The Board will take this into consideration when preparing the 2025 budget.


1.  Mr. Schaffauer stated that there is a lease program available and that he will get prices for buying them outright.

2.  Mr. Schaffauer is waiting for a response from the State regarding the SAM number.

3.  The Board and Mr. Danowski complemented the Chief and the crew that responded to the cardiac arrest call for a job well done.

4.  Disapproved.


Mr. Glass not in attendance.  Commissioner Schaefer stated that the new OSHA regulations have not been approved and all that can be done by districts is to delay the approval.  Commissioner Jackson stated that most of the things we have already been doing as part of our procedures.



A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, approving the Minutes of the April 4, 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting.  Approved 4-0.



A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 35 checks totaling $38,748.43 and to authorize the transfer of $150,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account.  Approved 4-0.


An e-mail was received from Marlene Woldenberg regarding Southampton Pines Homeowners Association renting the Meeting Room on June 22, 2024.  A request for use of the parking lot was received from Denise Flynn, on behalf of the Westhampton Varsity Cheerleaders, for a Car Wash to be held on June 15, 2024 and a request from William Potter, on behalf of the East Quogue Elementary School Kindergarten Class, regarding visiting the Firehouse on May 24, 2024.


Commissioner Gregory complimented Chief Sulzinski and Third Assistant Chief Gregory on the job that they did in setting up the Quartermaster on the second floor of the Steel Building and the clean-up job that they did with the remainder of the items being stored there.

Commissioner Seltenreich suggested that the Chiefs meet with him to review the revised plans for the Hills.  Chief Sulzinski advised the Board that the Chiefs plan to do a physical inspection.

Commissioner Jackson presented a proposal from Martin’s for the emergency roof repairs needed to be done to the Main Firehouse, in the amount of $19,400.00.  After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting the proposal from Martin’s for the proposed emergency roof repairs to be done to the Main Firehouse roof, at a cost of $19,400.00.  Approved 4-0.

Commissioner Jackson also advised the Board that a decision needs to be made soon as to whether or not the District is going to continue with the plans to renovate the present building.  At present, the cost is approximately $9,600,000.00.  A totally new structure would probably cost over $20,000,000.00.  To be discussed further at a Workshop.

Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he has the Final Version of the Member Benefits and Entitlements and will distribute copies to the Board.

Mr. Schaffauer advised the Board that there are three stretcher mats that are not being used and, since they are in good condition, suggested donating them.  A resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2024-18.  The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to declare the three (3) stretcher mats that are being stored in the Steel Building as surplus property and to donate to the Lillian, Alabama Fire Department.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, approving the adoption of Resolution 2024-18.  Approved 4-0.


The Board will consider the request from the Southampton Pines Homeowners Association when the proper paperwork is received.

A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, granting permission for the Westhampton Varsity Cheerleaders to hold a Car Wash in the parking lot on June 15, 2024.  Approved 4-0.

A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, granting permission for the East Quogue Elementary School to visit the Firehouse on May 24, 2024.  Approved 4-0.

The Secretary asked the Board if they would still like to continue charging the $50.00 COVID-19 Sterilization Fee to the not-for-profit groups that request use of the Meeting Room.  A  resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2024-19.  The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to amend the attachment to DA-031 Use of Facility Policy, paragraph 8 item b.) by eliminating the  COVID-19 Sterilization Fee of $50.00 charged to all not-for-profit, Government and local civic associations.

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, approving adoption of Resolution 2024-19.  Approved 4-0.

The Chief advised the Board that East Quogue will be hosting the Town Chiefs Meeting on May 16, 2024.

A workshop was scheduled for Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.

At 8:40 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, to adjourn the meeting.  Approved 4-0.

Submitted by

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lorraine Gregory, Secretary

East Quogue Fire District’s House Attendant Report

To the Board of Fire Commissioners,

This is the attendant’s report for May 4, 2024, meeting including but not limited to:  

Topics for discussion:

May Report of Chief to Fire District


  1. I would like permission to upgrade hardware on the Station 2 flagpole.

Reasoning: Flagpole hardware needed to be updated. The truck and globe need to be replaced. We want to add a solar light to the top to keep the flag lit from above. Price not to exceed $200.00.

  1. New Garage door openers for All vehicles.

Reasoning: We need garage door remotes that work at a greater distance. The ones we have are designed to control doors at close distance.

  1. (2) I pads. 1 for A HQ Engine and 1 For Station 2. State bid cost approx. $300.00 each.

Reasoning: We would like to get the I Pads to complement our Red Alert System, which is robust, but we are only using a small portion of the programs abilities this would include Mapping, routes, hydrant location, Pertinent size up information.

  1. Consider replacing 31 Chief Vehicle.

Reasoning: Vehicle is aging and is having recurring ignition issues.


  1. SCBA replacement schedule.
  2. Grant writing status and options.
  3. CPR save debrief.

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul Sulzinski


East Quogue Fire Department