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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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2020 Annual Election



DECEMBER 8, 2020



            PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Election of the East Quogue Fire District will take place on December 8, 2020, between the hours of 5:30 PM and 9:00 PM at the East Quogue Firehouse located at Montauk Highway and Bay Avenue, East Quogue, New York for the purposes of electing one Commissioner for a five year term commencing on January 1, 2021 and ending on December 31, 2025.

            Candidates for District Office shall file a petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) registered voters of the Fire District, which petition must be filed with the Secretary of the Fire District no later than November 18, 2020. Petition forms may be obtained at the East Quogue Firehouse, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.


            All residents of the Fire District duly registered with the Suffolk County Board of Elections as of November 16, 2020 shall be eligible to vote.

            Please be advised that the Board of Elections of the Fire District shall meet on December 3, 2020 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the firehouse for the purpose of preparing the rolls of the registered voters of the Fire District.


Dated: October 29, 2020



                                                            BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF FIRE

                                                            COMMISSIONERS OF THE

                                                            East Quogue FIRE DISTRICT

                                                            Town of Southampton, Suffolk County, New York


                                                            By: LORRAINE GREGORY

                                                                   Fire District Secretary

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October 2020 Meeting Minutes
September's Meeting Minutes 2020
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