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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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August's Meeting Minutes 2023



AUGUST 3, 2023


The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman James Schaefer at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners James Schaefer, Allyn Jackson, Stephen Gregory, Robert Despres and Ed Seltenreich, Fire District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Third Assistant Chief Mark Gregory and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.




See attached report.

A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, approving the purchase from Firematic Supply of two (2) 9” Carbide Tip Saw Blades, at a cost of $192.00 and two (2) 9” Desert Diamond Fire Rescue Safety Blades 7/8 Arbor, at a cos of $412.00. Approved 5-0.


With regard to vacation and sick time accruals, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2023-26. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve that, after the first year of an employee’s probation, vacation time and sick time will be given up front in January.

The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as follows:

Chairman James Schaefer - Aye

Vice-Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye

Commissioner Stephen Gregory - Aye

Commissioner Ed Seltenreich - Aye

Commissioner Robert Despres - Aye

The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.

Dated: August 3, 2023

            East Quogue, New York

Note: The Employee Handbook will be revised accordingly.


See attached report.


A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, approving the purchase from Stryker of one (1) LIFEPAK CR2 Trainer, at a cost of $530.40 and one (1) LIFEPAK CR2 Trainer/Demo Electrode Replacement Pads, at a cost of $157.30. Approved 5-0.


1. Noted.

2. Noted.


Maintenance Report dated 7/1/2023 to 8/3/2023 submitted to the Board.


See attached report.


1. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, authorizing members to take the Live Fire Training at Hagerman, at a flat fee of $200.00. Approved 5-0. (Note: SCFA has cut back on their usual amount of training.)

2. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, authorizing a budget of $200.00 for the purchase of the necessary hardware so that the members can build a Hose Mannequin for Fire/EMS drills. Approved 5-0. (Note: No need to purchase hose. The old fire hose that is on hand will be made use of.)



1. Commissioner Schaefer advised that Ex-Chief Jankowski has an appointment for his physical on August 10, 2023.

2. Progress.

3. Mr. Schaffauer is handling.


Mr. Glass not in attendance.

Commissioner Schaefer advised the Board that he had spoken to Mr. Glass regarding the options the District may have regarding Ex-Chief Jankowski’s lack of obeying District/Department policies. Mr. Glass suggested that the Department By-Laws be amended to include a provision revoking, for good reason, Life Membership status.


A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Despres, accepting the Minutes of the July 6, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 5-0.


Submitted by the Secretary.


A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 16 checks totaling $16,762.10 paid on July 27, 2023 and to authorize the transfer of $150,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved 5-0.


A memo from Mr. Glass addressed to Commissioner Schaefer regarding Ex-Chief Jankowski was presented to the Board, as well as a letter from the Department regarding the resignations of Anthony Danowski and Reilly Dunning.


Commissioner Seltenreich advised the Board that he is working with SCWA regarding the new hydrant installations and progress is being made with the grant program.

After a brief discussion regarding the purchase of a 2016 Ford 4X4 Mini-Pumper from Command Fire Apparatus, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2023-27. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to accept the Contract of Sale from Command Fire Apparatus for the purchase of one (1) 2016 Ford 4X4 Mini-Pumper VIN #1FD0W5HT6GEA84554, at a cost of $191,000.00 which includes the trade-in of the 1995 Smeal Heavy Duty Rescue Truck for $30,000.00.

The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as follows:

Chairman James Schaefer - Aye

Vice-Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye

Commissioner Stephen Gregory - Aye

Commissioner Ed Seltenreich - Aye

Commissioner Robert Despres - Aye

The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.

Dated: August 3, 2023

           East Quogue, New York

Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he had spoken with Sean McDermott regarding the brick face on the south side of the building that is pulling away from the wall. Sean’s recommendation is to remove the brick face totally.


A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Despres, accepting the resignations of Anthony Danowski and Reilly Dunning from the Department. Approved 5-0.

Commissioner Jackson suggested that, since Anthony Danowski has been a member for 50+ years, the Secretary, on behalf of the Board, should send him a letter thanking him for his years of service and dedication to the Department as well as his fifteen years as a Commissioner.

A Workshop was scheduled for August 24, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

At 8:20 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, calling the meeting into Executive Session to discuss office operational procedures. Approved 5-0.

At 8:32 p.m., a motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, calling the meeting out of Executive Session. Approved 5-0.

At 8:33 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.

Submitted by                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Lorraine Gregory, Secretary




East Quogue Fire District’s House Attendant Report


To the Board of Fire Commissioners,

This is the attendant’s report for September 2023, meeting including but not limited to:  

  • General Maintenance and building care.
  • Updated the website For the District
  • Updated the sign.
  • Disinfected the Meeting room, Chief’s office, and Corp room. Along with the Firemen’s room and bathrooms every Wednesday.
  • The Front door has Been installed.
  • The first order of pagers came in and are programmed.
  • Ordered blades for the 9-inch saws came in.
  • Name tags from Fox and Sons came in.
  • The rear door is back in service. The siding on the building has been removed.
  • The new truck is in. I have gone to DMV and requested a title. They said it will be ab 8 to 12 weeks.
  • Removed radio equipment from old 7-6-7.
  • I will install radios and lights into the new 7-6-7
  • Quotes for the spare gear cleaning and repairs. Mr. Gregory has them.
  • Fully involved was in for 7-6-8’s air buzzer staying on.
  • Repaired the latch for 7-6-4
  • Price from West Marine for the Mustang Rescue Sticks for $224.99

Topics for discussion:




Chiefs Report:


District Requests for August 2023

  1. Training @ Hagerman - $200.00 per session by voucher. We are looking at 2 sessions. This is due to not getting the usual amount of live fire training we get at SCFA. Looking for a weeknight and weekend day. This will allow all members appropriate access to complete their mandated live fire training requirement.


  1. Members looking to build a Hose Mannequin from old fire hose for Fire / EMS drills – Asking for a budget of $200 to by hardware to construct the mannequin.



Progress on Previous Requests



Items for Discussion

  1. Ex-Chief Jankowski – Letter was sent. Signature card not returned as of 7/26. What is the next step?
  2. Rear Wall Status at HQ?
  3. 7-6-32 has not received his license plates and the temporary ones are expired. Status ? Can Dave go to DMV and rectify situation?




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Budget Hearing
July Meeting Minutes 2023
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