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MAY 6, 2019
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:38 p.m. Present were Commissioners Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Stephen Gregory and Michael Mattera, Chief Scott Flynn, Second Assistant Chief Ted Jankowski, First Responder Amit Patel (left at 8:55 p.m.) and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.
Secretary Lorraine Gregory requested that the Minutes of the May 6, 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting be dedicated in loving memory to Nancy Knotoff, Treasurer of the East Quogue Fire District. So be it.
See attached report.
See attached report.
2019-21. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to retain James Moltzen as an On Call First Responder with an hourly pay rate of $22.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, approving adoption of Resolution 2019-21. Approved 4-0.
Work Order Report dated 4/1/19 to 4/30/19 was submitted to the Board.
7-6-11 will be back in service in about two weeks.
Mr. Schaffauer will be requested to call RVI and give them the list of warranty repairs for 7-6-1.
See attached report.
Request 1. - The Chief will pick them up tomorrow from Ricco’s.
Request 2. - Noted.
Request 3. - Approved.
Request 4. - A motion was made by Commissioner Mattera, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, authorizing the emergency purchase of a Multi Meter, at an approximate cost of $1,800.00. Approved 4-0.
Request 5. - Tabled until next month. Approximate cost is $29,437.00. Chief Flynn will see if the item is on State bid.
Mr. Glass not in attendance.
Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that, at the recent AFDSNY conference, he and Commissioner Schaefer spoke with Mr. Glass regarding LOSAP. The law states that a member receives LOSAP credit of 10% for up to 500 (50 points). More than 500 is 7.5%. Chief Flynn suggested doing a power point presentation to the members regarding LOSAP. Commissioner Schaefer advised the Board and the Chiefs that, over the years, the LOSAP rules have changed and presently, to his knowledge, it is 10% across the Board. Commissioner Schaefer requested that the Chief include him in the preparation of the presentation.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, approving the Minutes of the April 4, 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 4-0.
Due to the unexpected death of Treasurer Nancy Knotoff, the Treasurer’s Report was not available.
Miscellaneous correspondence was presented to the Board including two e-mails from John Michalski of Hometown Insurance regarding the incorrect model year for 7-6-1 being on record and the endorsement adding “Illness” onto the Accident and Health policies with a $0 premium, a letter from SCWA regarding the rate increase and a letter from Fred Strohm, Appraisal Affiliates, enclosing the Maintenance Service Report – 1/1/18 – 12/31/18.
Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that he is waiting for a proposal regarding the siren.
Commissioner Mattera advised the Board that the slab is down and he is waiting for delivery of the cooler.
Commissioner Schaefer advised the Board that he did not receive a proposal from Zee Tree and, since Zee Tree recently applied fertilizer, he asked the Secretary to send Zee Tree a letter instructing them not to do any additional work on the properties. Commissioner Schaefer will also contact Zee Tree by phone. Commissioner Schaefer presented the following proposals from Pine Edge Landscaping (copies attached):
Main Firehouse - $5,121.00 (not including lawn cutting)
Station 2 - $6,081.00 (not including lawn cutting)
Note: The lawn cutting will be done by the Firehouse Attendant and the Part Time Custodian.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, accepting the following proposals, minus the sales tax, from Pine Edge Landscaping:
Main Firehouse - $5,121.00 (not including lawn cutting)
Station 2 - $6,081.00 (not including lawn cutting)
Approved 4-0.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the Policy Book’s “Driver Training & Response Policy”. Commissioner Gregory will meet with the Chief to discuss the policy and to get his input. Note: After the meeting was adjourned, Commissioner Gregory and Chief Flynn reviewed the policy and made the minor changes.
With regard to maintaining the District’s On Call First Responder and their hourly pay rate, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:
2019-22. - The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to authorize that, beginning June 1, 2019, the hourly pay rate for newly hired On Call First Responders will be $24.00 per hour, the On Call First Responders already on the rolls will be given an increase of $2.00 per hour and that the Full Time First Responder, Amit Patel, will be given an hourly increase of $2.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving adoption of Resolution 2019-22. Approved 4-0.
With regard to the Zodiac boat, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:
2019-23. - The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to declare the 2005 Zodiac Boat (7-6-M1), the motor and trailer as surplus property and to offer it for sale with a minimum bid of $6,000.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, approving adoption of Resolution 2019-23. Approved 4-0.
With regard to membership recruitment, Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that a committee had been formed and made mention that all Districts are having recruitment issues.
No discussion.
Due to the unexpected death of Treasurer Nancy Knotoff the Abstract of Bills was not available.
Note: On May 15, 2019, Acting Treasurer Colleen Pearsall presented the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 11 checks totaling $76,943.25.
At 9:20 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 4-0.
Submitted by
Lorraine Gregory, Secretary
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