Budget 2024

Budget 2024
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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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October Meeting Minutes 2024



OCTOBER 3, 2024


The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman James Schaefer at 7:30 p.m.  Present were Commissioners James Schaefer, Allyn Jackson, Stephen Gregory and Robert Despres, Fire District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Medical Coordinator Brian Danowski (left 8:05), Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.




See attached report.

7-6-31 will be taken to Village Auto Body to have the roof patched.

First Net and Verizon will be forwarding pricing for dash cams.

Mr. Schaffauer advised the Board that the District is now registered with the Grant Program and that the Grant Guys would like a list of items that the Department/District would like to seek grants for.  The Chiefs will be reminded to submit their requests.




Maintenance Report dated 9/1/24 – 10/3/24 was submitted to the Board.



A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase of the medical supplies requested from Hammer Medical, at a cost of $351.10.  Approved 4-0.


Mr. Danowski advised the Board that there were several dispatching errors today.  Commissioner Schaefer will contact the Southampton Town Police regarding dispatch issues designated for fire and EMS.


No report submitted.


No requests.


No discussion.


Mr. Glass not in attendance.



A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, approving the Minutes of the September 5, 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting.  Approved 4-0.



A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 29 checks totaling $27,919.27 and to authorize the transfer of $100,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account.  Approved 4-0.


A memorandum was received from Mr. Glass commenting on the By-Laws Draft submitted to him, a letter was received from the Acting Suffolk County Police Commissioner Robert E. Waring regarding the Talkgroup Usage Agreement and an e-mail was received from the SCFDOA regarding the new EMS laws signed by Governor Hochul.


Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that he and Commissioner Schaefer had met with the Commissioners from Cutchogue regarding their new firehouse building that is in progress.  The building appears to be the same size as what we would be looking to build and the cost to Cutchogue is no more than $16,000.00.  Commissioner Schaefer plans on polling the Department members as to whether they are in favor of a new building or an addition to the existing building.

Commissioner Gregory also advised the Board that he had received an e-mail from Dennis Kenter, our radio technician, that the engineering study regarding the Tower on Central Boulevard was completed and we have approval to go ahead with installing our antennas on the Tower.

After a brief discussion regarding Mr. Glass’ comments to the By-Laws Draft, the Board agreed that the Class 4 – Seasonal Member should be removed.  The Board will approve the By-Laws once the membership approves the comments made by Mr. Glass and removes the Class 4 – Season Member classification.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Prior to the start of the meeting, the Board held a Zoom meeting with ProClaim regarding their proposal for ambulance billing.  After a brief discussion, the Board decided to ask Mr. Danowski to pursue this further.


2024-21.  Whereas, Section 175-a of the Town Law, as amended, provides for a system of registration of Fire District elections; and

            Whereas, a register of eligible Fire District voters must be prepared prior to the Fire District election: and

            Now therefore, be it resolved that three resident election inspectors of the East Quogue Fire District be appointed to constitute the East Quogue Fire District Board of Elections for the 2024 Annual Fire District Election;

            And be it further resolved, that in case any of the members appointed therein are unable to assume or perform the duties required of them, the Board of Fire Commissioners will appoint three alternates who are resident electors ;

            And be it further resolved, that the Chairman, Election Inspector and Poll Clerk be compensated in the amount of $70.00 for their services and attendance at the annual election which shall take place during the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.;

            And be it further resolved, that if clerical help is deemed necessary, this Board of Fire Commissioners will consider the appointment of such clerical persons upon the request of the Chairman of the Fire District Board of Elections.  

A motion was made by Commissioner Despres, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, accepting the adoption of Resolution 2024-21.  Approved 4-0.

No Workshop scheduled for October.

At 9:10 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Despres, to adjourn the meeting.  Approved 4-0.

Submitted by

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lorraine Gregory, Secretary



East Quogue Fire District’s House Attendant Report


To the Board of Fire Commissioners,


This is the attendant’s report for October 3, 2024, meeting including but not limited to:  

  • General Maintenance and building care.
  • Updated the website For the District
  • Updated the sign.
  • Working with First Net (ATT) to get our system updated.
  • I have updated the information with SAM and have submitted the new registration paperwork. We are now under review. The IRS TIN validation has been successful.
  • I will ask Jerry to put the handrail back up. NYS Building code 1011.11 Flights of stairways shall have handrails on both sides and shall comply with section 1014.
  • Repaired the antenna on the 31 vehicle. I put a patch on the roof it will not last forever we should bring it to village autobody to see about a permanent repair

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