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October's Meeting Minutes 2019



OCTOBER 3, 2019


The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Michael Mattera and Stephen Gregory, First Assistant Chief David Rosante, First Responder Amit Patel (left 7:56 p.m.), Acting Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.



See attached report.




See attached report.


  1. Noted.

Commissioner Schaefer suggested hiring all three of the recent On Call First Responder candidates that were interviewed and also suggested that the total of First Responders be brought up to 15 by the end of the year.


  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase of the medical supplies requested, at a total cost of $719.07 (Hammer Medical - $200.65, McKesson - $65.17, Zoll Medical - $453.25). Approved 4-0.
  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, authorizing the purchase of two (2) MSA Meters, at a cost not to exceed $500.00. Approved 4-0.
  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, authorizing the entering into a contract with Sharps Compliance, Inc. (a biomedical disposal company) to provide one (1) 10 Gallon Rx Take Away System, at a cost of $118.29 and one (1) 20 Gallon Take Away Environmental Return, at a cost of $154.78. Approved 4-0.
  1. Since the Port-O2-Vent is no longer of use, the Board advised Mr. Patel to discard it.
  1. Noted.


Work Order Report dated 9/1/19 to 9/30/19 was submitted to the Board.


See attached report.


  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, authorizing the purchase of a Retractable Lanyard (TIC) from Firematic, at a cost of $63.60. Approved 4-0.
  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, authorizing the purchase of two (2) 1.5” Shutoffs with smooth Bore Tip from Firematic, at a total cost of $697.50. Approved 4-0.
  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, authorizing the purchase of two (2) Chief XD 1.5” Mid-Range Tips from Firematic, at a total cost of $797.50. Approved 4-0.
  1. A motion was made by Commissioner Mattera, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, granting permission for Briana Gladding to use the Meeting Room on October 19, 2019 for a birthday party. Approved 4-0.


  1. Progress.



Mr. Glass not in attendance.

Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he had spoken with Mr. Glass concerning piercing the cap for the 2020 budget. Mr. Glass will prepare a Resolution which will need to be adopted in addition to the usual Resolution.


A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, accepting the Minutes of the September 5, 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 4-0.


Mrs. Pearsall advised the Board that the Workers’ Compensation audit went well. However, a Certificate of Insurance is needed from Fully Involved. (Note: The Secretary was requested to send a letter of Fully Involved requesting the certificate. On October 7, 2019, Fully Involved provided the certificate and it was given to Mrs. Pearsall.)

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Approved 4-0.


A letter from the Department was presented to the Board regarding the resignations of Patrick Erwin and Amanda Van Borkulo.


Commissioner Mattera advised the Board that the cooler floor and key fob had been installed.

Commissioner Gregory advised the Board of the following:

  1. The siren installation will begin during the week of October 14, all of the equipment is in and the completion date is scheduled for October 21. Commissioner Gregory suggested leaving the old siren up for at least one week before dismantling it and advised the Board not to use 7-6-11 to take down the old pole. Instead, the pole should be cut to fall down in the grass area and then cut up and placed in the dumpster.
  1. The Red Alert Finger Reader has been installed.
  1. Reminder - The firehouse survey needs to be completed by all and returned to him.
  1. The Hampton Bays Fire District has given the District a “boiler plate” of the Communications Dispatch Agreement. (Note: The Secretary will forward the Agreement to Mr. Glass for his review and comment.)
  1. The Hampton Bays Fire District will be supplying a list of equipment that will be needed and that Dennis will be looking at what needs to be done regarding the hook ups.
  1. Met with an insurance broker who is interested in giving the District a proposal for the upcoming insurance renewal.
  1. Suggested that the Department use the Fire Prevention materials that are being stored in the Steel Building before ordering more out of the $5,000.00 budget.

A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, authorizing the installation of a key fob, by JA Systems, on the door in the foyer which leads into the Truck Room, at a cost of $2,670.00. Approved 4-0.

Commissioner Schaefer took care of the paperwork for the drill at the Gladding house on Old Country Road.

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Medic CE on line training, at a cost of $2,000.00. Approved 4-0.

Commissioner Schaefer advised the Board that flu shots will be given by NDI at the November Department meeting.

A brief discussion ensued regarding Sexual Harassment Training. Commissioner Schaefer reminded the Board that the Chiefs have the responsibility of looking into Sexual Harassment Training. Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that PESH is requiring documentation from those having taken the training. Commissioner Jackson stated that there may be an on line program.

Commissioner Jackson suggested having Martin’s Roofing mount the recruitment sign on the mansard roof of the Radio Room and that the remainder of the signs will be installed at various intersections in the community.

With regard to the Facility Usage Agreement, a Resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2019-29. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to

Adopt the following Use of Facility Policy:

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to establish written guidelines and procedures to oversee the use of the District Facilities. It is further intended to conform to the rules, procedures and regulations of the East Quogue Fire District. It is also designed to comply with the East Quogue Fire District’s liability insurance carrier’s requirements and procedures to keep all liability coverage in full force and effect.

Responsibility: It shall be the responsibility of all Fire District officers and employees, all Fire Department officers and members, as well as any guests and/or other members of the general public to follow and abide by this Policy.

Authority: This Policy is adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District pursuant to its authority under New York State law.

Procedure: The Officers of the East Quogue Fire Department, as well as not-for-profit, government, and local civic associations, shall carry out and obey all sections of this Policy.

Specific Requirements:

  1. All requests must be received by the Board of Fire Commissioners five (5) days in advance of the monthly meeting held on the first Thursday of every month. All requests must be approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners.
  2. No alcoholic beverages are to be dispensed or consumed in any area of Fire District property other than meeting room or other designated recreational areas on District property, approved in writing by the Board of Fire Commissioners. No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted at any not-for-profit or civic event.
  3. Smoking is prohibited inside any District buildings at all times.
  1. Only Fire Department members in good standing and not-for- profit, Government and local civic associations may be authorized to use the facilities. District property shall not be made available for any purpose political in nature or for any activity operating at a for-profit basis.
  2. The use of the facilities shall not conflict with any District and/or Department activities. Permits may be rescinded should the District and/or Department need the facilities for emergency purposes or for other unforeseen reasons.
  3. The applicant shall be present at all times and will be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all guests. Unsupervised children and/or unruly persons on District property may be cause for the District to end the event.
  4. The Apparatus area, Commissioners’ Room and the Training Room are off limits during all events. Parking will be in designated areas only.
  5. All not-for-profit, Government and local civic associations may be charged a fee should the District decide that the event will necessitate overtime for custodial services. Said fee will be based on a cost of $50.00 per hour, starting ½ hour prior and ½ hour after the event and shall be paid in advance.
  1. All areas must be cleaned and returned to their original condition at the end of an event. The District will charge a security deposit of $200.00. Security checks must be made payable to the East Quogue Fire District. Security deposits will be returned to the applicant in a timely manner. If the facility is left in an unsatisfactory condition or if damage occurs, the security deposit will not be returned. The cost of repairs due to damage or careless use of the facility will be the responsibility of the applicant.



                                                                        By: Lorraine Gregory

       Fire District Secretary

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting adoption of Resolution 2019-29. Approved 4-0.


2019-30. Whereas, Section 175-a of the Town Law, as amended, provides for a system of registration of Fire District elections; and

            Whereas, a register of eligible Fire District voters must be prepared prior to the Fire District election: and

            Now therefore, be it resolved that three resident election inspectors of the East Quogue Fire District, namely, Faith Erwin, Linda DeRosa and Patricia Despres be appointed to constitute the East Quogue Fire District Board of Elections for the 2019 Annual Fire District Election;

            And be it further resolved, that in case any of the members appointed therein are unable to assume or perform the duties required of them, the Board of Fire Commissioners will appoint alternates who are resident electors, namely, Patricia Densieski, Sue Little and Barbara Danowski;

            And be it further resolved, that the Chairman, Election Inspector and Poll Clerk be compensated in the amount of $50.00 for their services and attendance at the annual election which shall take place during the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.;

            And be it further resolved, that if clerical help is deemed necessary, this Board of Fire Commissioners will consider the appointment of such clerical persons upon the request of the Chairman of the Fire District Board of Elections.  

A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner accepting adoption of Resolution 2019-30. Approved 4-0.

With regard to the hiring of the new On Call First Responders, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2019-31. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to retain Justin Deak, Andrea Bellucci and David Goldblum as On Call First Responders with an hourly pay rate of $24.00.

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, accepting the adoption of Resolution 2019-31. Approved 4-0.

A brief discussion ensued regarding the Hampton Jitney discharging passengers on the front ramp. Commissioner Jackson stated that he had tried to contact Hampton Jitney, but was not successful.     The Board came up with no solution to the problem.

After a brief discussion regarding amending DA-020, Use of Chiefs’ Vehicles Policy, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:

2019-32. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to amend DA-020 Use of Chiefs’ Vehicles Policy as follows:

  1. Add “3. Animals of any type are prohibited from being transported in District vehicles.”
  1. Amend 10. to read as follows: “physical appearance, both inside and outside,”.

A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, accepting adoption of Resolution 2019-32. Approved 4-0.

A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting the resignations of Patrick Erwin and Amanda Van Bourkolo pending the return of all District property issued to them. Approved 4-0.


A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 32 checks totaling $22,464.62 and to authorize the transfer of $25,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved 4-0.

At 9:15 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 4-0.

Submitted by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lorraine Gregory, Secretary

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Annual Election of The East Quogue Fire District
September's Meeting Minutes 2019
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