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APRIL 7, 2016
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners James Schaefer, Aaron Sacks, Jonathan Erwin, Jennifer Davonski and Allyn Jackson, Chief David Kohler, First Assistant Chief Scott Flynn, Second Assistant Chief David Rosante, Firehouse Attendant David Schaffauer, First Responder Amit Patel, Treasurer Nancy Knotoff and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.
See attached report.
1. Noted.
2. District does not have any of the Quogue Village Police’s manikins. The manikins on hand are the ones that were recently ordered by the District.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, accepting the Firehouse Attendant Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
At 7:37 p.m., Mr. Schaffauer left the meeting.
See attached report.
1. Noted.
2. Board agreed.
2016-16. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to remove Jonathan Boutet from the On Call First Responder Rolls.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Sacks, accepting adoption of Resolution 2016-16. Approved 5-0.
3. Resignation accepted.
2016-17. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to accept the resignation of Aubrie Andenmatten, as of April 6, 2016.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, accepting adoption of Resolution 2016-17. Approved 5-0.
4. Commissioners Schaefer and Davonski will conduct interviews for three additional On Call First Responders.
5. Commissioner Jackson signed the form.
1. A motion was made by Commissioner Davonski, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, authorizing the purchase from Zoll of a One (1) Year Preventive Maintenance Contract Per X Series, 4/1/16 – 3/31/17, at a cost of $920.00 and a One (1) Year Extended Warranty Zoll X Series, 4/1/16 – 3/31/17, at a cost of $3,263.25 (Total - $4,183.25). Approved 5-0.
2. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, authorizing the purchase of the EMS Medical Supplies requested, at a total cost of $368.96 (Hammer Medical - $301.76, Moore Medical - $67.20). Approved 5-0.
3. A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, authorizing the purchase of Weather Tech FH-F11307 Semi Custom Vinyl Front and Rear Black Floor Mats from Amazon, at an approximate cost of $179.00. Approved 5-0.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Davonski, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, authorizing the purchase of two (2) Waterproof Phone Cases and Permanent Mounts for the cell phones used in the ambulances from Amazon, at an approximate cost of $125.00. Approved 5-0.
5. Commissioners Schaefer and Davonski are working on a standard uniform.
6. Jury Duty beginning April 8, 2016. Further discussed under Treasurer’s Report.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Davonski accepting the EMS Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
No written report submitted.
7-6-2 Preventive maintenance performed.
7-6-5 Preventive maintenance performed. Ladder straps need to be installed to prevent the ladder from falling off.
7-6-11 Inspected. Fully Involved will be instructed to make the repairs as indicated.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, accepting the Maintenance Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
See attached report.
Requests 1. - A motion was made by Commissioner Davonski, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, granting permission for the East Quogue Cub Scout Pak 261 to use the Meeting Room on May 21, 2016 for the Blue & Gold Awards Banquet and requiring a Security Deposit of $100.00 together with a Certificate of Insurance and, in lieu of a room charge, the Board will pay Mr. Schaffauer to be on duty. Approved 5-0.
Request 2. - No vote required.
Request 3. - Noted.
Requests 4. - Tips Class may be done on line.
1. Commissioner Sacks advised that the boat will be back tomorrow and that there is a problem with the GPS and VHF radio.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, authorizing the purchase of one (1) Garman 7607 GPS System and Antenna, at an approximate cost of $1,600.00 and one (1) Matrix VHF Radio and Microphone, at an approximate cost of $500.00, for the Zodiac boat with installation to be done by Mr. Schaffauer. Approved 5-0.
2. Commissioner Sacks advised the Board that the Fire Police vehicle will be back from Pennsylvania by April 15.
3. To be discussed under Old Business.
4. The Board stated that nowhere in the By-Laws is it noted that a member must have a driver’s license. It is up to the member to fulfill their commitment to the Department whether or not they have a driver’s license.
5. A motion was made by Commissioner Davonski, seconded by Commissioner Sacks, approving that an On Call First Responder be hired for coverage for the Installation Dinner from 1900 hours on May 14, 2016 to 0600 hours on May 15, 2016. Approved 5-0.
Mr. Glass not in attendance.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, accepting the Minutes of the March 3, 2016 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 5-0.
Ms. Knotoff asked for the status of the new computer. Commissioner Sacks advised that the computer just needs to be updated.
After a brief discussion regarding payment of Mr. Patel’s salary while on Jury Duty, a motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, that Mr. Patel would be paid his regular pay for his Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday schedule if he was required to report to Jury Duty on his regularly scheduled shifts. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Davonski, seconded by Commissioner Sacks, approving the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
Miscellaneous correspondence was presented to the Board including a letter from the Fire Department regarding the probationary membership of Jody A. Romeo, a renewal notice from Avaya, a letter from Appraisal Affiliates regarding the Maintenance Service Report and service fee and (under separate cover) two copies of the Maintenance Service Report 1/1/15 – 12/31/15.
Commissioner Erwin advised the Board that the new Chief’s vehicle is in production.
Commissioner Sacks presented a proposal from Integrated Wireless Technologies for a Real Time Cross Band, including material and labor, in the amount of $3,080.50 and a proposal from Motorola Solutions, for portable radios, charges and misc. equipment, in the amount of $99,947.62.
Commissioner Sacks stated that he is seeking additional proposals for the work to be done in the Firemen’s Room.
Commissioner Sacks presented a proposal from Lisa Klemons, Design Partners, regarding service fees in connection with the renovation of the Firemen’s Room.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, accepting the proposal from Lisa Klemons, Design Partners, for an estimated ten (10) hours of consultation, at a cost of $150.00 per hour. Approved 5-0.
Commissioner Jackson presented the following two proposals from Empire LED Solutions for the updating of the light fixtures to LED:
Station 2 - $2,834.00 less rebate = $2,018.00
Main Firehouse - $22,600.00 less rebate = $16,331.00
After further discussion regarding the purchase of radio pagers, portable radios, renovations to the Firemen’s Room and the installation of LED lighting at the Main Firehouse and Station 2, subject to Permissive Referendum, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:
2016-18. BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law and the Town Law of the State of New York, that a sum not to exceed $105,000.00 be expended from the Communications Reserve Fund of said Fire District for the purchase of new radio pagers and portable radios, for the use of the Fire Department of said Fire District, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions of the General Municipal Law and the Town Law of the State of New York, that a sum not to exceed $125,000.00 be expended from the Buildings & Grounds Reserve Fund of said Fire District for renovations to the Firemen’s Room and the installation of new LED lighting at the Main Firehouse and Station 2 of said Fire District, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is adopted subject to a permissive referendum as provided in the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Fire District shall, within ten working days of the adoption of this resolution, publish a notice within the official newspaper of the Fire District setting forth the date of the adoption of the resolution and an abstract of the resolution concisely stating the purpose and effect thereof and that the resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, accepting adoption of Resolution 2016-18. Approved 5-0.
Commissioner Sacks advised the Board that the Red Alert module has been installed. However, there is no mobile paging in the system.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, accepting the proposal from Alpine Software for the purchase of one (1) Paging System: Non Dispatch System, in the amount of $525.00. Approved 5-0.
The Board agreed that The Hills project should definitely identify the acreage that they have agreed to donate to the District and that the Town should be made aware of the location. The property must be accessible to main roads and not in the back hills. Commissioner Sacks will contact The Hills.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, authorizing the payment of $557.78 to RAB Construction for the installation of the changing stations in the restrooms, the re-milling and installation of the picture support rail, and the sanding and staining of the oak picture support rail. Approved 5-0.
At 8:50 p.m., Mr. Patel left the meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, authorizing the purchase of one (1) Apple Hot Spot TV, at a cost of $149.00. Approved 5-0.
Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he had received a request from the Shinnecock Shores Community to intercede with SCWA regarding the extension of the water mains to the end of the streets. As stated to the Community in the past, the water mains are extended far enough for firefighting protection and there is sufficient water pressure. If the Community wants to extend the mains it will be at their own cost.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Sacks, accepting the proposal from Waterway for the annual hose testing, in the amount of $2,410.00. Approved 5-0.
2019-19. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to declare sixteen (16) AV-2000 Scott Facepieces surplus property and to donate them to the Suffolk County Fire Academy.
A motion was made by Commissioner Davonski, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, accepting adoption of Resolution 2019-19. Approved 5-0.
Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that Mr. Glass’ only comment regarding the Ladies Auxiliary By-Laws is to use the term “local resident” instead of “citizen”. Commissioner Jackson also advised the Chief that the approval of the By-Laws is up to the Chiefs’ Department.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Erwin, approving the addition of the Ladies Auxiliary to the VFBL Insurance Policy, at an additional premium of $230.00 and insuring the Benevolent Association Members for liability, at no additional premium. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, accepting the probationary membership in the Department of Jody A. Romeo. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sacks, seconded by Commissioner Davonski, approving the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 47 checks totaling $101,580.40 and to authorize the transfer of $120,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved 5-0.
At 9:40 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Sacks, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.
Submitted by
Lorraine Gregory, Secretary
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