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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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Revised November 2022 Meeting Minutes


NOVEMBER 3, 2022
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire
District was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners
Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Stephen Gregory, Michael Mattera and Ed Seltenreich, Fire
District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Medical Coordinator Brian Danowski, First
Assistant Chief Paul Sulzinski, Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.
See attached report.
No discussion.
See attached report.
Noted - New York State Inspection – Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 8:00 a,m.
Mr. Danowski advised the Board that, if 7-6-81 is going to be replaced, all of the State stickers
will have to be removed and the Department of Health will have to be notified that the vehicles is
After a brief discussion regarding the Paramedic roster, a motion was made by Commissioner
Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, approving the removal of Nickolas Knoebel Kim
Pokorny, Tim Randazzo and Miranda Schultze from the East Quogue Fire District Paramedic
roster. Approved 5-0.
None requested.
Mr. Danowski advised the Board that he would like to engage the services of a different company
to service the ambulance stretchers. We presently have a contract with Am Star and they are not
very responsive. The stair chairs are Ferno and are beginning to age. Stryker is a good company
but, will only service their own products. He suggested that, when we replace the ambulance
stretchers and stair chairs, we consider Stryker products with one comprehensive service program.
Maintenance Report dated 10/1/2022 to 11/3/2022 submitted to the Board.
Mr. Schaffauer advised the Board that he had requested Firematic to submit a proposal for
Preventive Maintenance on all the Hurst tools.
See attached report.
1. Mark Gregory has submitted a letter to run for the 7-6-33 position. The Chiefs approve
reinstating the position. Mark has all the qualifications and by having four Chiefs, there would
then be no need for a Captain’s vehicle.
A resolution was drawn up and states as follows:
2022-27. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to
approve the re-instatement position of Third Assistant Chief (7-6-33).
A motion was made by Commissioner Seltenreich, seconded by Commissioner Gregory,
approving adoption of Resolution 2022-27. Approved 5-0.
2. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory,
authorizing the purchase of two (2) pair of boots – size 12 and size 11EEE, at a cost of $150.00
each. Approved 5-0. (Note: The boots that are in inventory are not the sizes that are being
3. Tabled. An inventory was requested to include expiration dates.
4. Tabled.
5. Tabled.
6. Fire Marshal’s Office request for Knox Box Key. Commissioner Schaefer stated that a letter
should be sent by the Town and that homeowners should be notified that the Fire Marshal has
7. A motion was made by Commissioner Seltenreich, seconded by Commissioner Jackson,
approving the Bailout Training Class, at a total cost of $2,625.00. Approved 5-0.
First Assistant Chief Sulzinski advised Commissioner Jackson that, to the best of his knowledge,
all members have their proper gear and that the membership has been advised to report gear
damages and need for replacement to the Chiefs’ Office.
1. Commissioner Jackson requested Mr. Schaffauer to reach out to the membership regarding their
Bailout System expiration dates and to record the information in the Red Alert System.
Commissioner Jackson advised the Chief that there is a ten (10) year life span and that, if members
are not taking training classes, they will be classified as Class B.
2. Commissioner Jackson responded that this is an issue right now with ambulance billing.
3. Pricing and further information has not been submitted to the Board.
4. Noted.
Mr. Glass not in attendance.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mattera, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, accepting
the Minutes of the October 6, 2022 Regular Monthly Meeting and the Minutes of the October 18,
2022 Budget Hearing for 2023 and Special Meeting. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, approving
the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, approving
the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 37 checks totaling $76,042.81 and to
authorize the transfer of $150,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved
A Facility Use Permit Application was received from the New York Blood Center for use of the
Steel Building on November 14, 2022, 2:00 – 8:00 p.m., for a Blood Drive and letters were
received from the Town of Southampton Planning Board regarding Coastal Vision I - 48 Old
County Road and Coastal Vision II – 38 Old Country Road Subdivisions.
After a brief discussion regarding the hiring of a full time Paramedic, a resolution was drawn up
and states as follows:
2022-28. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to
create a second position of one full time Paramedic from the Suffolk County Civil Service list, at
an hourly pay rate of $33.00 and to include health insurance.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as
Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye
Vice-Chairman James Schaefer - Aye
Commissioner Gregory - Aye
Commissioner Mattera - Aye
Commissioner Seltenreich - Aye
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.
Dated: November 3, 2022
East Quogue, New York
First Assistant Chief Sulzinski advised the Board that, when a shift is open, the Chief notifies
Hampton Bays Dispatch and the entire membership is made aware of the situation.
Commissioner Gregory presented a proposal from We’ll Floor “U”, Inc. for the installation of
vinyl flooring in the new EMS Room, in the amount of $900.00 for materials only. There is no
labor charge.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, accepting the
proposal from We’ll Floor “U”, Inc. for the installation of vinyl flooring (materials only) in the
new EMS Room, at a cost of $900.00. Approved 5-0.
Commissioner Gregory also presented a proposal from Logos Greenwich for various EMT and
Paramedic clothing (see attached list), in the total amount of $1,661.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, accepting
the proposal from Logos Greenwich for various EMT and Paramedic clothing, at a total cost of
$1,661.00. Approved 5-0. (Note: Clothing is to be kept as inventory in the EMS Quarter Master
The mini-refrigerator, butcher block desk, TV and recliners will be purchased after the floor is
With respect to Dr. Bruce Friedman being appointed as Field Physician, Mr. Danowski advised the
Board that he had spoken with Dr. Winslow. Dr. Winslow suggested that Dr. Friedman speak with
him directly to decide which direction he would like to take.
With regard to extending the Main Firehouse, Commissioner Seltenreich suggested meeting with
architects and engineers, presenting our needs to them and having them come up with plans and
then going to bid. Commissioner Jackson stated that the District should stay with Sand Pebble.
Commissioner Schaefer recommended that Commissioner Jackson contact Sand Pebble and ask
them to recommend three architects and, at this point, that is all that is needed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
authorizing Commissioner Jackson to contact Sand Pebble for recommendations for at least three
architects so that the District’s needs can be addressed and plans drawn up to accommodate those
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Mattera, granting
permission for the New York Blood Center to use the Steel Building on November 14, 2022, 2:00
p.m. – 8:00 p.m. for a Blood Drive. Approved 5-0.
A workshop was scheduled for Monday, November 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
At 9:05 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Jackson,
seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.
Submitted by
Lorraine Gregory, Secretary
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December 2022 Meeting Minutes
Organizational Meeting
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