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East Quogue Fire District - Public Notice

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December 2022 Meeting Minutes


DECEMBER 1, 2022
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire
District was called to order by Chairman Allyn Jackson at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners
Allyn Jackson, James Schaefer, Stephen Gregory, Michael Mattera and Ed Seltenreich, Fire
District Facilities Supervisor Dave Schaffauer, Medical Coordinator Brian Danowski, First
Assistant Chief Paul Sulzinski, Treasurer Colleen Pearsall and Secretary Lorraine Gregory.
See attached report.
Mr. Schaffauer spoke with Frank Lau of Firematic Supply regarding the Bailout System. Mr. Lau
advised that ropes and harnesses should be replaced every ten years according to the date stamped
by the manufacturer. There is no need to replace the hooks since they don’t wear out. Mr.
Schaffauer advised the Board that there is no record of when the Bailout System was given to
individual firefighters. Commissioner Jackson requested that the Chief submit a report of the
members who have the system. Commissioner Schaefer advised that his records indicate that there
are forty two Class A firefighters in the Department.
Mr. Schaffauer advised the Board that Firematic Supply does the SCBA testing and that he is
keeping track of the life span in Red Alert.
A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, accepting
the proposal from Firematic Supply for the Preventive Maintenance of the Hurts E-Draulics Cutter
Service (2 @ $150.00), Hurst E-Draulics Spreader Service (2 @ $150.00) and Hurst E-Draulics
Ram Service (2 @ $60.00), at a total cost of $720.00. Approved 5-0.
See attached report.
l. After a brief discussion regarding the interviews with Peter Sulzinski and Jeff Corazzini for the
full time First Responder Paramedic position, a resolution was drawn up and states as follows:
2022-29. The Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Quogue Fire District hereby resolve to
retain Jeff Corazzini as a Full Time First Responder Paramedic (the same position held by Brian
Danowski), with a six (6) month probation period effective January 1, 2023 and ending July 1,
2023, with an hourly rate of $33.00 and health insurance included.
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and upon roll call the vote was as
Chairman Allyn Jackson - Aye
Vice-Chairman James Schaefer - Aye
Commissioner Gregory - Aye
Commissioner Mattera - Aye
Commissioner Seltenreich - Aye
The resolution was thereupon duly declared to have been adopted.
Dated: December 1, 2022
East Quogue, New York
2. EMT training would be the best direction for Bruce Friedman. Commissioner Jackson stated
that Mr. Friedman could go into Team Support/Fire Police and that he has two years before the
Chief would be able to remove him from the rolls.
3. Noted.
4. A motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
approving the purchase of the medical supplies requested, at a total cost of $331.95.
Approved 5-0.
5. Noted.
6. The Board agreed to continue the service contract with Am Star, since a service contract with
Stryker would be very costly.
Maintenance Report dated 11/1/2022 to 12/1/2022 submitted to the Board.
No written report submitted.
Commissioner Jackson requested that the Chief contact committee members regarding the need to
clean up and put back into proper storage the items and equipment used for events. The timeframe
is within two weeks. If the committee members don’t cooperate, then perhaps the Chief can make
the clean-up a drill and involve more than just committee members.
First Assistant Chief Paul Sulzinski suggested that there be a position of Public Relations Officer
so that everything would then go through the Chiefs’ Office.
Commissioner Seltenreich advised the Board and the Chief that State law prohibits the bringing of
firearms into the firehouse, and also mentioned that lawsuits are coming about because of photos
being taken at fire/emergency incidents and then being posted on social media. The Secretary
reminded the Board and the Chief that the District does have a Social Media Policy in place.
Commissioner Seltenreich asked the Chief to remind the members of the Social Media Policy.
Mr. Glass not in attendance.
Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that Mr. Glass will be forwarding a short version of the
duties of a Fire District.
A motion was made by Commissioner Seltenreich, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer,
accepting the Minutes of the November 3, 2022 Regular Monthly Meeting. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, approving
the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, approving
the Abstract of Bills for the General Fund consisting of 21 checks totaling $51,233.00 and to
authorize the transfer of $150,000.00 from the Money Market to the Checking Account. Approved
Commissioner Jackson stated that, before the Board considers hiring a third full time Paramedic
next year, the Treasurer will be asked to prepare a list of all personnel money that is included in
the budget with line items for full time/part time employees’ salaries and hospitalization for full
time employees.
A Facility Use Permit Application was received from Edmund Densieski for a birthday party on
January 14, 2023.
Commissioner Seltenreich advised the Board that the hydrant locations were reviewed in
Southampton Pines and Oakville Estates. Commissioner Jackson will contact SCWA to arrange
for installations.
Commissioner Seltenreich also advised the Board that he is working on the grants and time is of
the essence.
Commissioner Jackson advised the Board that he is waiting for a breakdown from ProLiner
regarding the purchase of a new Tahoe (approximately $80,000.00) and for the Board to consider
trading in 7-6-81 (possible trade-in $12,000-$15,000).
Commissioner Jackson asked the Board if they had given any thought to the pager change. After a
brief discussion, the Board decided to leave the pagers as they are, unless the Chief wants to make
a change.
Commissioner Gregory advised the Board that the Chiefs’ Office will be renovated after the first
of the year – new paint, flooring and an additional desk. Items being stored in the room that are no
longer needed will be discarded. At the request of Mr. Danowski, lockers have been ordered for
the EMT’s.
Commissioner Jackson advised that the storage building at Station 2 is going to be renovated. The
structure is in good condition. Commissioner Jackson asked the Chief to see if the Department
still needs the storage container. If not, then it should be removed.
Commissioner Schaefer advised the Board that, as of December 31, 2022, Standard Security will
no longer be holding the life insurance policies. Vesta Life will be the new policy holder and the
benefits remain the same. Hometown will still be the insurance agency.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Seltenreich,
reinstating Vaughn Sacks’ driving privileges as of December 1, 2022. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gregory, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, requesting
the Secretary to make copies of the “Driver Training and Response Policy” No. DA-004 to be
handed out to all the Department members and signed for so that they are aware of what is
expected of them. Approved 5-0.
A motion was made by Commissioner Mattera, seconded by Commissioner Gregory, granting
permission for Edmund Densieski to use the Meeting Room on January 14, 2023 for a birthday
party. Approved 4 – Abstain – 1 (Commissioner Schaefer).
No workshop scheduled.
At 8:47 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Schaefer,
seconded by Commissioner Jackson, to adjourn the meeting. Approved 5-0.
Submitted by
Lorraine Gregory, Secretary
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End of Year Meeting 2022 Minutes
Revised November 2022 Meeting Minutes
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